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From previous experience, I take an iterative approach to improve my resume. I start with structure, then wording and formatting, and finally content.

File Format

I recommend using LaTeX for writing your resume. It's easy to use, and it's compatible with most ATS systems. You can use jankapunkt/latexcv template to get started.

Structure and Layout

Two-column layouts are more compact and easier to read. You can use the following format, change the order of sections, or add/remove sections based on your needs.

Name and Title

Depending on your strengths and weaknesses, you can prioritize information that increase your chance of acceptance and put them on top of your resume. For example, if you have a lot of experience, you can put your experience section at the top.


Your resume should be under two pages. You can use two column layouts to make it more compact.


  • Make sure you include the keywords that are mentioned in the job description
  • Be concise when writing your position titles, descriptions, and bullet points
  • Don't repeat yourself
  • Review your wording and grammar. Grammatical mistakes are a big red flag for recruiters. Tools like Grammarly can be helpful in checking your wording and grammar
  • Review spacing and alignment

Recruiters usually spend less than 10 seconds reviewing a resume. So, make sure your content is easy to read and the important parts are highlighted.


You can get help from ChatGPT to write sections of your resume. It's not perfect, but it can give you some ideas and starting points. You can start with the following command:

I'm writing an item for <X> section of my resume. Ask me some questions about it then write it for me. Follow STAR method.

STAR Model

STAR model, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result, is a useful framework for writing content for your resume. You can use it to describe your experience and projects. Each bullet point in your resume should follow this model.

Name and Title

Use the same title that is used in the job description


Include your email, phone number, and LinkedIn profile, and optionally your Github profile or equivalent portfolio website.


  • Separate your skills into categories like programming languages, frameworks, tools, soft skills, etc
  • Do not use adjectives as an indicator of your proficiency in a skill. Instead, quantify your proficiency in a skill by using numbers or words like "proficient", "familiar", etc. For example, use I'm 80% proficient in Python instead of I'm good at Python..


List all the languages that you know and your proficiency level (A1 to C2) for each language


List your degrees and certifications. Include the name of the degree, the name of the institution, and the year you received it.


If you quit your degree, you can still include it in your resume. Just make sure you mention that you didn't finish it or just state it as Coursework in <degree name>.


Use STAR model to describe your core capabilities and strengths. It should not be a list of your skills or your experiences since you will have separate sections for those. Think of all the reasons why you're a good fit for the job and write them down. Then, use STAR model to describe them.


  • State your position title, the name of the company, location, and the duration of your employment
  • Use STAR model to describe your experience in bullet points