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Feel Great, Lose Weight

Key Takeaways

  • Changes should be sustainable to be long lasting. They should match our lifestyle and our preferences.
  • You should work with your body, not against it.
  • There's no one-size-fits-all diet or rule. You should find what works for you.

What We Eat

  • Our body craves fatty, sugary, and salty foods because they're calorie-dense and were scarce in the past.
  • Processed foods are designed to be addictive.
    • The brain releases dopamine when we eat these foods.
    • Food engineers utilize this and use bliss point in processed food to make them more addictive. The book calls these foods blissy foods.
    • All processed foods contain some level of sugar, salt, and fat.
      • Baked foods like supermarket bread are also processed foods and contain high levels of sugar and salt.
  • The brain relies on leptin to regulate hunger.
    • The dopamine released by blissy foods can interfere with leptin and make the brain less sensitive to it, causing leptin resistance and making us eat more.
  • Sugary food can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, which can lead to a crash later, resulting in a loop of craving more sugary food.
    • Drops in blood sugar levels can also cause irritability, mood swings, and fatigue and make you hungry.
  • Day to day food is fuel for our body, not a source of pleasure.
    • Delicious food makes us eat more.

Action Points

  • Remove blissy foods from your meals.
    • Your food shouldn't form habits and cravings.
    • Replace them with whole foods.
    • Keep them out of your house or if not possible, keep them out of sight.
    • Replace processed snacks with fruits, nuts, or seeds.
    • If you can't replace bread, traditionally baked whole grain bread is a better option.
    • Note the ingredients of the food you buy or even better, eat food that don't come with an ingredient list.
    • One-ingredient meals or meals with a few ingredients help your body to fix leptin resistance.
  • Use the same core ingredients for all your meals and make them monotone.
    • Eat takeout or restaurant food only occasionally.
  • Shop and eat single ingredient foods.
  • Keep single ingredient foods in your house.
    • Frozen vegetables and fruits.
    • Chopped garlic and onions.
    • One-ingredient snacks like nuts and seeds.
    • Lentils, beans, brown rice, and whole grain pasta.
    • Batch cook and keep food in the fridge or freezer.