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Rainbow Six Siege

I like the strategic aspect of the game compared to other FPS games. I also like the fact that it's not a run and gun game. It's more about positioning, planning, and predicting your opponent's moves.


  • I'm not good at shooting high recoil weapons, so I prefer weapons with low recoil.
  • I've been mostly playing solo, so I prefer operators that can be useful without relying on teammates.
    • I prefer operators that can gather intel and breach walls.


Here are the operators I like to play.


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ Secondary weapon can be used to open hatches and walls.
  • ☑️ His gadget can block off a path, give intel and distract enemies.


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ Secondary weapon can be used to open hatches and walls.
  • ☑️ Her gadget can hack enemy gadgets and give intel and advantage by using their gadgets against them.


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ She has impact grenades.


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ She has impact grenades.
  • ☑️ Her kiba barriers can be used in defense situations.


  • ☑️ Primary weapon is good enough
  • ☑️ Her gadget sometimes surprises and damages enemies


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ Her gadget is good for pushing


  • ☑️ She can break walls with melee


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ Has hard breach gadget
  • ☑️ Can gather intel with his cameras


  • ☑️ Primary weapon
  • ☑️ Secondary weapon can be used to open hatches and walls
  • ☑️ He can break walls and jump through hatches

Casual Play

When I play casual, I peak the season's operator and for the opposite side, to challenge myself a bit more, I randomly pick an operator and I'll keep playing with that operator until I get a kill and out team wins the round.

This approach is more challenging for support operators like Clash but it's fun nonetheless.




  • At least one hard breacher.
  • At least one soft breacher.
  • Gather intel at all stages of the game. It's rarely a good idea to rush in blindly.
  • If you're carrying the defuser, don't rush in and stick with your team.


  • At least player should be able to make rotation.
  • At least one player roam and reinforce hatches.
  • Reinforce hatches and walls that are not part of the rotation.
  • If there's a wall facing outside, it should be electrified.
  • If there's Mira in the team, coordinate with her before reinforcing walls.
  • There should be a balance between anchors and roamers.

Generic Operator Ban

Operator ban depends on the map on most cases, but in case I don't have a specific ban in mind, I ban the following operators:


  • Clash: She can block off and hold a path by herself.
  • Mira: She can block off and hold a path by herself.
  • Caveira: She's annoying to deal with 😄


  • Jackal: He can track roamers and make it difficult for them to flank.
  • Thatcher: He can disable the electrified walls.
  • Dokkaebi: She can hack cameras and make it difficult for roamers to flank.

Map Specific Operator Ban


  • Thatcher: He can disable the electrified walls on the basement.