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Structured Storytelling

The contents of this entry are based on lessons from Lepaya's structured storytelling module.

Presentation Strategy

To have a good presentation, your presentation should have three parts:

This structure helps the audience to follow your presentation and understand what you're trying to say.


The starter is the part of the presentation that captures the attention of the audience. It should be short and concise, and it should be related to the main message of the presentation.

It can be a story, a question, a quote, a video, or a picture. It should be something that makes the audience curious about the main message and hooks them to the presentation.

Main Message

You can use pyramid principle to structure your main message. In summary, you start with the conclusion, and then you support your conclusion with arguments, and then you support your arguments with facts and data. Then you can finish up by restating your conclusion.


Your ending should be related to your starter. It should be something that makes the audience think about the starter and the main message. It can be a call to action, a question, or a quote.

Other Resources


Your content should be tailored to your audience. You should know who your audience is, and what they want to hear from you. You should also know what they already know, and what they don't know.

Presentation Styles

Depending on the audience and the message you want to deliver, you can use different presentation styles. There are four main presentation styles:

  • Informative
  • Empathetic
  • Entertaining
  • Inspiring

A presentation usually has one main style, and one or two secondary styles. For example, a presentation can be informative and entertaining, or it can be empathetic and inspiring.