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  • Brew
    • bash
    • bash-completion
    • coreutils
    • jq
  • iTerm2
  • Rectangle Pro
  • Maccy



Apple ID

  • Login to Apple ID
  • Enable Find My
  • Disable iCloud

Sometimes the user's default image overwrites the user avatar of the Apple ID. You might need to recover the user avatar after logging in to the Apple ID.

Touch ID & Password

  • Configure Touch ID


  • Add input sources
  • Press 🌐 key -> Show Emoji & Symbols
  • Key repeat rate -> Fastest
  • Delay until repeat -> Shortest
  • Keyboard Shortcuts...
    • Input sources > Select next source in Input menu > option + space
    • Function keys > Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys


  • More Gestures > Swipe between pages > Scroll left or right with two fingers

Desktop & Dock

  • Hot Corners...
    • Disable all corners
  • Make it smaller
  • Enable Automatically hide and show the Dock. It reduces the wasted screen space.
  • Disable Show suggested and recent apps in Dock

Software Configurations


  • Install bash and bash-completion using brew
  • Add brew installed bash to /etc/shells
  • Run chsh to change the shell to brew installed bash


  • Add Path to toolbar
  • Add desired folders to sidebar

Visual Studio Code

  • Follow this to create an automator service to open Visual Studio Code from finder.


  • Enable Launch at login
  • Change shortcut to control + shift + v
  • Enable Paste automatically

Desktop Tweaks

  • Remove unused apps from the dock
  • Resize the dock and make it smaller
  • Remove unused icons from the top bar (Press command and drag the icon out of the top bar)